Best Poster Award
Super congrats to Sebastian on the Best Poster Award at the PhD Symposium.
EndoSpine Academy
Silas at EndoSpine Academy!
IC Forum 2025
Super congrats to Charlotte for being featured at the ETH IC Forum on International Cooperation!
ETH Dandelion Award
Ceremony celebrating entrepreneurship at ETH
Keynote at CRS
... the pink spotlight is part of the rider from now on!
Advanced Science Cover
featuring Oscar's research on surgical robotics! Congrats, Oscar!
Women in Science
Celebrating women in science and engineering in OR-X with Nisa's robot
Artist Talk in Berlin
Artist Talk with Liat Grayver, Daniel Berio and curator Adrian Notz on robotic painting and women's health in Berlin
Robotic Painting
Science and Art! Our SciArt Project "LABOR" with L. Grayver and D. Berio and curated by A. Notz exhibited in Berlin!
Viktor Award
Balgrist researchers featured at Viktor Award.
WEF 2025
Roundtable on Regulations for Embodied AI at WEF 2025 in Davos!
2025 Peritoneal Summit
Our Peritoneal Summit in Pontresina was a great success! Co-organized with superstar surgeon-scientist Prof. Joel Zindel!
Award for Robert
Super congrats to Robert (and surgeon collaborator Sebastian) on winning the Heinz-Mittlmeier Award from the German Orthopedic Society with their Adv. Healthcare Mater paper!
Bridge Disco Grant
for DrainSense - in collaboration with clinicians and FHNW.
Robotic iSoldering
Oscar's papers on robotic seamless tissue fusion by iSoldering published!
ETH Spark Award
Ceremony at the ETH Industry Day. Foto: NZZ
Breakthrough Talk
... at Falling Walls in the session with Senator Ina Czyborra and Minister Cem Özdemir! What an experience...
Celebrating science and entrepreneurship at ETH day!
Pharos wins TalentKick
Oscar's team wins TalentKick 🏆 - Super congrats!
SciArt Project "Labor"
Our SciArt project "Labor" with L. Grayver, D. Berio and A. Notz won SNSF-AGORA support.
2024 Dandelion Award
for entrepreneurship! Our 2nd win after the Dandelion Special Award in 2021.
AI+X Summit
We organised a track on DEI in Tech with fabulous speakers incl. Pascal Kaufmann, Rita Sevastjanova, Amelia Taylor, Michela Puddu and Lucas Dosnon!
AlexJ wins Falling Walls!
Alex J. wins 1st prize at the Falling Walls Switzerland competition! See you in Berlin!
Innovation Awards
Alex J., Alex A. win 1st place with SensAL, Lucas wins 2nd place with MenstruAI! Super congrats 👏
Congrats to Oscar for defending his PhD with flying colors, and for securing an Empa Entrepreneur Fellowship!
2024 Science Breakthrough
We win the Science Breakthrough of the Year competition. See you in Berlin.
Cover of Small
Robert's research featured on the cover of Small!
ETH Spark Award
Drain fluid sensing technology selected for Spark Award (Top 5 inventions of ETH Zurich in 2024). Congrats Alex!
More Awards for Oscar
Super congrats to Oscar for winning the Nature Award 'Science in Shorts' 2024 for his video on Laser Tissue Soldering and for winning the GOOGLE Hackaton on Life Sciences AI and Data !!!
Women's Impact Award
for pioneering equitable and inclusive technology innovation. Thank you to the FW, Volkswagen and Elsevier Foundations.
Lab on the News
Article on our research in CHmedia.
Zollikofer Award 2024
...for innovation in minimally invasive & robotic surgery. Awarded work by Oscar Cipolato et al., Nanothermometry-enabled intelligent surgery.
Advanced Materials Feature
Congrats on the cover art and editor's choice featuring the work by Alex, Samuel, Thomas in Advanced Materials!
SNSF Grant
We are thrilled that the Swiss National Science Foundation supports our project in collaboration with brilliant surgeons (Prof. Zindel & Prof. Liska)!
Conferences 2025
We will be organizing a conference at Pontresina in Jan 2025 on serosal healing (with Prof. Zindel) and another one in Monte Verita in Nov 2025 on surgical materials and technology innovation.
New Endometriosis Treatment
We present the first ever mechanical treatment approach to endometriosis. Editor's choice article in Advanced Materials.
Catalytic Activity governed by Protein Corona
We show how the protein corona governs catalytic activity and uptake of metal oxide nanomaterials. See Nissler et al. Small.
Inge co-chaired IWMPI2024
Inge chaired a very successful IWMPI2024 with Prof. Hans Hug featuring keynotes by Prof. Brad Nelson, Prof. Bernhard Dieny, Prof. Paola Tiberto and Prof. Dieter Süss!
iSoldering featured in TV
Oscar's work on iSoldering featured on Swiss and German TV
Image-guided Surgery
We present an image-guided surgery approach for ceramic fracture removal from soft tissue. See Nissler et al. Adv. Healthcare Mater.
Veltist nomintated for Viktor Award
Veltist is selected as a newcomer of the year for the Viktor Award! Congrats!
Balgrist Seminar
Part of our lab moved to the Balgrist Campus!
Exciting new project
...with the Balgrist spine surgeons! #OR-X #surgeryofthefuture
Teaching equitable and inclusive innovation course
Inge is teaching a new course at ETH und UZH on equitable and inclusive medical technology innovation!
Celebrating Women in Science (WIS) Day!
We promote equity and inclusion and advance women's health!
ETH Silver Medal 2023
Lukas has been awarded the 2023 ETH silver medal for his outstanding doctoral thesis on the design of radiotherapy enhancing nanoparticles.
Latsis Prize 2023
Inge wins the 2023 Latsis Prize form ETH Zurich for outstanding research performed at ETH Zurich.
(Photo: A. Della Bella)
Lopez Loreta Award
Alex Anthis, former doctoral student and now CEO of Veltist wins the prestigious Lopez Loreta Award from ETH Zurich worth 1M Euro. Congrats, Alex!
(Photo: A. Della Bella)
PHRT Grant awarded
... to advance our innovative approach to clinics together with KSSG, Cleveland Clinics and Charles University! Yay!
2023 Largiadèr Award
Honored to win the 2023 Largiadèr Award from the Swiss Surgical Society.
MIT 35u35 List
Former doctoral student and now CEO of Anavo Medical listed on MIT 35 under 35 List. Congrats, Tino!
2023 ETH MaP Award
Lukas has been awarded a prize at this years ETH MaP Award ceremony for his doctoral thesis
Poster Award for Oscar
Poster Award from Geistlich Regenerative Medicine for Oscar at MaP. Congrats Oscar!
ETH DocMobility Fellowship (Harvard)
Ben wins an ETH Doc Mobility Fellowship and will be at Harvard/Boston Children's Hospital for 6 months. Congrats, Ben!
Ben's Research Awarded
featured on the news and listed as #1 of 8 groundbreaking innovations of Switzerland in 2023 (List by SWI). Congrats Ben & Alex.
The Empa Trifecta!
Subas wins the best presentation award, Oscar the best poster and Anna the scientifc image competition! Congrats to this rockstar team.
Forbes 30 under 30
Alex featured on the Forbes 30 under 30 List with his Spinoff Veltsist. Congrats Alex
Docs@MAVT Award
Charlotte wins the 3rd prize at the Docs@MAVT Award 2023! Super Charlotte!
ETH Silver Medal to Tino
Tino Matter's doctoral thesis was awarded the ETH Silver Medal as well as the Hilti Innovation Award! Congrats, Tino
ETH Dandelion Award
We won the ETH Dandelion Special Award for championing Interdisciplinary collaboration and entrepreneurship.
Women in Nanoscience
Featured on the Royal Society of Chemistry list.
1o/24 Science & Art project "Labor" with Liat Grayver & Daniel Bero supported by SNSF Agora
1o/24 Inge wins ETH Dandelion Award for the 2nd time
09/24 Inge wins Science Breakthrough of the Year🏆!
09/24 Alex J. wins Falling Walls Switzerland!
09/24 Super congrats to Robert and surgeon collaborator Sebastian Walter on winning the Heinz Mittelmeier Research Award with the Adv. Healthcare Paper 2024!
09/24 SensAL wins Empa Innovation Award! MenstruAI takes 2nd place. Congrats Alex J., Alex A. and Lucas!
09/24 Oscar wins Empa Entrepreneur Fellowship (130 kCHF + 20k CAS)
08/24 Super congrats to Oscar on a stellar PhD defense! Thanks to our fabulous committee Prof. Quidant, Prof. Zindel and Prof. Pratsinis!
08/24 Sebastian's first 1st author paper accepted in Small. Congrats Sebastian and enjoy the EMC2024 in Copenhagen!
08/24 We are Global Women's Impact Award Winners.
08/24 SensAL technology awarded ETH Spark Award Top5 inventions of ETH.
07/24 Grant supporting iSoldering 2.0.
07/24 Our with J. Zindel and W. Solass supported by SNSF, AstraZeneca, Roche, Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation and PHRT.
07/24 Oscar wins the "Science in Shorts" Nature Award (5000EUR)!
06/24 Oscar wins the Google Hackaton! Super congrats!
05/24 AlexJ first 1st author manuscript accepted in Adv Science! Super congrats Alex!
05/24 Next Generation Implant Symposium happening July 18 & 19. Led by Robert.
05/24 Zollikofer Award 2024 for iSoldering! Congrats Oscar & team!
05/24 Oscar's is a Hamlyn Symposium Finalist with iSoldering!
05/24 Lukas' and Oscar's videos shortlisted for the Nature Video Competition!
05/24 Grant for our MenstruAI technology!
04/24 SNSF Grant approved! Excited to continue our close collaboration with leading surgeons Prof. Zindel and Prof. Liska!
03/24 Fantastic presentations by Erik and Subas (together with Justin and Huimin) at the IWMPI2024! Super congrats!
03/24 Erik's patent is filed! Congrats!
03/24 Robert's 2nd paper of the year accepted in Small (receiving outstanding reviews ranking it in top 5% of all submissions)
03/24 iSoldering featured on TeleZüri
01/24 Oscar's work featured in the news (incl. 20 Minuten and German TV!)
01/24 With our IWMPI Conference we won support from the SNSF!
01/24 Second paper of the year accepted for publication in Advanced Materials! Congrats Alex A., Samuel, Paige, Charlotte, Oscar, and all our collaborators!
01/24 First paper of the year accepted! A super nice image-guided surgery approach for ceramic fracture removal! Congrats Robert!
01/24 We had a fantastic lab retreat with our surgeon friends Joel, Thomas and Sima!
12/23 Our lab's invention listed on 1st on the list of Eight groundbreaking Swiss inventions (SWI/SwissInfo).
12/23 Lab Holiday Party at Food Zurich! Wishing you happy holidays and a fantastic start into 2024!
12/23 Yay! One last grant approved before the end of the year.
12/23 Very inspiring final presentations by our Medical Technology Innovation Master Students (MTI Lecture)! Thank you also for the fantastic teaching evaluation :)
12/23 Successful Robotics Session in IMTE with Oscar, Georg and Dennis. Yay!
12/23 Inge gave an invited talk at this year's MRS!
11/23 Inge promoted MAVT and MechE studies at the LIMES Schülerinnen Tag.
11/23 ETH Tag: two major awards to our lab: Lopez Loreta to Alex Anthis and Latsis Prize to Inge!
11/23 Latsis Prize awarded to Inge at the Latsis Symposium in Geneva
11/23 We won a major SFA-PHRT grant to advance our SensAL technology to clinics!
11/23 Hosting surgeon Dr Andrea Quiroga (visiting clinician) and ETH Japan Fellow Heongyu Kang! Welcome!
10/23 Lucas' patent filed
10/23 Monika's 1st first author paper accepted! Great collaboration with the Lukatskaya Lab!
09/23 *** We partially re-located to the Balgrist Campus (next to OR-X) and Irchel (Chemistry) in addition to our labs at ML F16-20 ***
08/23 Exciting BSc, Semester, MSc and Intership projects available at the interface of Engineering X Medicine!
07/23 Hosting surgeon and superstar scientist Prof. Zindel from the Uni Bern for a seminar
07/23 Excited to be back at the Experimental Surgery Summer School in Pilsen! The 4th year we are contributing with lectures.
07/23 Subas' first 1st author paper accepted (collaboration with Prof. Hans Hug)!
06/23 Ben's first 1st author paper published in Advanced Science and featured on the news (Altmetric top 5%)
06/23 Lukas (doctoral award) and Oscar (Geistlich Rengeneration Award) win awards at this year's MaP graduate symposium @ETH.
05/23 Tino listed on the MIT 35 under 35 Europe list! Congrats Tino.
03/23 Charlotte wins 3rd prize at the Doc@MAVT event! Congrats Charlotte!
03/23 Our medical doctor's second 1st author manuscript accepted for publication! Congrats Thomas!
02/23 Our Advanced Functional Material Cover Article on mIPN adhesives is amongst the most downloaded articles!
02/23 Super exciting and successful field trip by Paige, Sarina, Clara & Alex to our collaborators at the LiskaLab.
02/23 Congratulations Tino on the Bridge grant - Phase II!
01/23 Congratulations to Subas on securing the first ever Empa Entrepreneur Fellowship!
01/23 Congratulations Oscar on the best rapid fire presentation award and Anna for the best poster at the SSB+RM!
12/22 Congratulations to all our ETH Medical Technology Innovations Students for their fantastic final presentations! Hugely impressive and inspiring!
12/22 Inge selected as 2022 ACS rising star. The ACS Rising Star 2022 issue featuring our perpective is here!
12/22 Alice's paper accepted in Small Methods! Congrats Alice & team!
12/22 Alex' paper published in Nature Comm! Congrats Alex & all!
11/22 Lukas has been awarded the Young Talent Award at the Zukunftssymposium Hepatologie 2030!
11/22 Alex J.'s artwork auctioned at Kunsthaus Zurich to support ETH Excellence Fellows /AI Center
11/22 Site visit to Institut für Raumforschung at University Stuttgart with Veerle Sterken #cosmicdust
11/22 Tino was awarded the Hilti Arward at this year's ETH day for the best PhD
11/22 Hattrick at the PhD Symposium 2022 - best presentation (Subas), best poster (Oscar) and best science image (Anna)
09/22 Ben awarded with ETH Doc.Mobility Fellowship for a 6-month stay at Harvard!
09/22 Inge awarded with the Smoluchowski Award 2022 recognizing outstanding research contributions to aerosol sciences!
09/22 Congratulations Alex Anthis on the DPCI PhD Student Award 2022 (Polymers, Colloids and Interfaces) by the Swiss Chemical Society
09/22 Alex wins the audience award and the 2nd prize at the 3i pitching contest
09/22 Lukas wins the prestigious Empa Young Scientist Fellowship (sucess rate of <10%) by the Dietschweiler Foundation! Congrats!
09/22 Alex wins the ETH Zurich MaP Award 2022 for the best doctoral thesis in the area of materials and processes at ETH! Second MaP award for the group after Tino's win in 2021
08/22 Lukas winns Science Communications Creativity Award for composing a song about his research!
07/22 Congratulations to our postdoc Robert Nissler on his ETH Career Seed Award!
06/22 Lukas' paper accepted in Nature Comm! Congrats Lukas!
05/22 Alex Anthis has been included in the Forbes 30 under 30 list with his startup veltist! Congrats Alex!!
04/22 Oscar's research presented at the SPIE Photonics Europe covered by The Economist! Congrats Oscar!
04/22 Successful field trip to Pilsen with Alex A., Ben, Alex J., Anna and Augustin! #experimental surgery
03/22 Our medical doctor Thomas' first 1st author paper accepted! Big congrats Thomas, Elena and Alex G.!
03/22 Lukas work featured on the media and in the Empa Annual Report. ... and there is more to come! Congrats Lukas!
01/22 We are super happy to be part of the ACS Materials Au Rising Stars inaugural class!
01/22 One more patent filed. Congrats Alex and Ben!
01/22 Our research highlighted as part of the RSC Nanoscale Emerging Investigator series
01/21 Check out our exciting BSc, semester and MSc projects on sirop!
01/22 New research grants for AnastoSEAL (we will soon be recruiting a postdoc).
12/21 ETH Grant for NSE Lab! We are looking forward to more exciting discoveries!
12/21 Bridge Grant and Coup de Pouce Award for Tino Matter! Congratulations.
12/21 Oscar's patent filed! Congrats Oscar!
12/21 Our research featured in the ETH Jahresrückblick
12/21 MRS Fall Meeting offically over with 5 NSEL talks and 3 poster contributions. See you next year in Boston again
11/21 Huge congratulations to Lukas Gerken on winning the young investigator best presentation award at the iNanoTherad in Paris!
11/21 Congratulations Alex Anthis and Subas Scheibler on winning the 2nd prize at the Sintetica Innovation Award!
11/21 Congrats Tino on winning the ETH Medal for an outstanding doctoral thesis.
11/21 Our future postdoc Dr Robert Nissler passed his viva with flying colors and was awarded highest distinction (summa cum laude). Congrats Robert, and welcome to ETH!
11/21 Massive congratulations to Alex Anthis on winning Empa's Research Award 2021 with his Adv Funct Mater paper!
10/21 Inge wins the ETH Dandelion Special Award for championing interdisciplinary collaboration and entrepreneurship!
08/21 AnastoSEAL featured on the HealthEuropa.
08/21 Check out our exciting BSc, semester and MSc projects on Sirop!
07/21 SwissLife and CG Foundation are supporting our research. PhD position opening soon.
07/21 Exciting times during our visit to our collaborator's site in Pilsen. #experimentalsurgery #engineersintheOR
07/21 Congrats to NSEL postdoc Fabian on winning an ETH career seed grant and an SNF International Visit Fellowship for Hamburg!
07/21 Welcome to our new PhD student Benjamin!
07/21 Lockdown project paper on extracellular vesicles together with Gregor Fuhrmann and Matthew Wood is finally out in Nature Nano!
06/21 Congrats Alex on winning an ETH Pioneer Fellowship with AnastoSEAL!
06/21 Congrats anavo on winning the Swiss Nanotech Startup of the year award at the Swiss NanoConvention 2021!
06/21 Anavo was selected as the winner of this year's startup days Healtech startup!
06/21 Congrats to Tino Matter on winning the ETH MaP Award 2021 for his doctoral research!
06/21 Congrats to NSEL postdoc Alice on her new job! She's gonna be a professor starting in spring 2022!
06/21 Grant approved to bring the nanoglue technology to clinics together with great partners from ETH, Inselspital and UniZH!
05/21 Congrats Alex on a very successful doctoral defense and on winning the Chemistry Travel Award 2021 awarded by the Swiss Chemical Society just the day after the defense.
05/21 Welcome to our new PhD student Erik!
04/21 Intracellular multi-resistant bacteria killing featured in the news.
04/21 Patent filed!
04/21 Paper in collaboration with the Inselspital accepted in ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering! Congrats Ioana and Tino!
03/21 Lukas paper on radioenhancement accepted in Chemistry of Materials! Congrats Lukas!
02/21 Tino's paper accepted in Nanoscale and featured in the Emerging Investigator Issue 2021!
02/21 Check out Alex' latest paper in Advanced Functional Materials reporting a new tissue adhesion mechanism. Article featured on the Cover!
02/21 Monika (doctoral student) and Alice (postdoc) join the lab! Welcome!
01/21 AnastoSeal patent filed!
12/20 Dr Kerda Keevend has been awarded the "1st special prize of the President of the Estonian Academy of Sciences" for "the most elegant research work". Congrats Kerda!
12/20 Our technology "Nanoglue" wins the Empa Innovation Award 2020!
12/20 Please watch our Video! We have exciting research projects available.
12/20 Check out the Blog post and Seminar on Kerda's work by Delmic!
11/20 The Gebauer and the vonTobel Foundations support our newest research endeavours! We are excited!
11/20 Inge joins the Executive Board of the ETH SFA Personalized Health and Related Technologies Program and the ETH AI Center as Affiliated Faculty.
11/20 Delighted that our Innosuisse project with Hemotune on developing a new method to detect nanoparticles in tissue has been approved!
11/20 Hemotune and Anavo (formerly Nanoglue) win 1st and 3rd place at the Swiss Technology Award! Congratulations!
11/20 Judith Ng (University of Toronto) joins to group! Welcome Judith!
10/20 Fabian's article Precision in thermal therapy: clinical requirements and solutions from nanotechnology accepted in Advanced Therapeutics! #openaccess
10/20 Oscar joins the group as PhD student! Welcome Oscar!
09/20 Alex Anthis' manuscript accepted in Advanced Functional Materials!
09/20 Tino Matter passed his doctoral exam with flying colours! Congrats!
09/20 Congrats to Kerda on her 5th first author manuscript from her PhD. First-in-field cathodoluminescence immunotargeting accepted for publication in Small! ... and featured on the cover!
09/20 Alex Anthis wins the Future of Future of Health Ideas Competition Medtronic Award! Congrats Alex!
08/20 Tino's review article written together with two leading wound care specialists accepted in Pharmaceutics!
08/20 Pioneer Fellowship for Tino Matter! Congrats Tino!
07/20 Kerda's manuscript on cathodoluminescence bioimaging accepted in Nanoscale! Great collaboration with Toon Coenen from Delmic/AMOLF. Congrats Kerda!
05/20 - Anna's manuscript accepted in Nanoscale Advances! Congrats Anna, Lukas, Kerda & Alex! #openaccess
05/20 - Delighted that Tino's manuscript on biotransformation of metal oxides was accepted in Advanced Science! Congrats Tino, Jian & Kerda! #openaccess
04/20 - Pascal's manuscript accepted in Advanced Science! Great collaboration with PTL! Congrats Pascal & Lukas!
02/20 - Watch Inge's Inagural Lecture at ETH Zurich online!
01/20 - Congratulations Anna on the best presentation award (2nd prize) at the Young Scientist Symposium SBB+RM at ETH!
01/20 - First paper of the year accepted in Acta Biomaterialia! In collaboration with various groups from UCL.
12/19 - Delighted that the Krebsliga supports our precision radiotherapy project!
12/19 - Congrats Tino on the best presentation award at the Empa PhD Symposium 2019!
11/19 - Alex' 2nd first author manuscript of this year got accepted for publication in ACS AMI! Congrats Alex!!
11/19 - Super happy that our immunoCCLEM project got funded by the SNF SPARK program!
11/19 - Tino wins Amercian Institute of Chemical Engineering Annual Meeting (AIChE 2019) Graduate Student Award (2nd prize, Inorganic Materials)! Congrats Tino!
11/19 - Alex' paper featured on the front cover of Analyst!
11/19 - 10 oral presentations by our lab at the AIChE Annual 2019! Great discussions and feedback!
11/19 - Kerda successfully defended her PhD on Nov 7, the night before we left to Miami/Orlando, FL for the AIChE Annual Meeting! Congrats Kerda!!!
10/19 - Nanoglue successfully completed VentrureKick stage II!
09/19 - Alex' paper on mineral characterization in human placenta tissue (together with UCL and KSSG) accepted in Analyst. Congrats Alex!
08/19 - Kerda's paper on correlative cathodoluminescence electron microscopy accepted in Nano Letters! Congrats Kerda, Lukas, Tino and Jian-Hao!
07/19 - Nanoglue is part of VentureKick!
06/19 - We are grateful to the OPO Foundation for supporting our project with the Immunobiology Lab at the local hospital (KSSG)!
05/19 - Welcome to the new PhD students Subas and Anna!
03/19 - Tino's startup Nanoglue made it into the top6 at the European Startup Summit! Congrats Tino!
12/18 - Tino's paper on ceria bioactivity accepted in ACS AMI! Congrats Tino and Lea!
12/18 - Lukas' paper on radioenhancement in collaboration with the ETH and the University Hospital Zurich accepted in ACS AMI! Congrats Lukas, Kerda and Tino!
11/18 - Swiss National Science Foundation Eccellenza Award 2018!
11/18 - Delighted that our grant application together with Dr Bertazzo (UCL), Prof. Obrist (ARTORG), Prof. Carrel (Inselspital) and Prof. Thürlimann (KSSG) is supported by the ETH Personalized Health and Related Technologies (PHRT) program!
11/18 - Kerda was the chairwoman of this year's PhD symposium with more participants than ever before! Well done Kerda!
11/18 - Tino and Ioana's nanoglue paper in collaboration with the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Department (University Hospital Bern) accepted!
10/18 - Tino's research & master thesis award featured by SNI!
08/18 - We are grateful to the Novartis FreeNovation Program and the Olga Mayenfisch Foundation for supporting our research activities!
08/18 - Joint paper with ETH's PTL and the USZ - check it out here!
06/18 - Joint paper with our colleagues from Thun on electrodeposited steel has been accepted for publication in Surface & Coatings Technology
03/18 - Tino's research on surgical glues featured on international TV program (ZDF). Aired April 9!
03/18 - Joint paper with the Sotiriou lab at Karolinska on dynamic bioimaging accepted!
02/18 - Kerda's meltPEGylation manuscript has been accepted for publication in Chem Comm! Check it out here!
12/17 - We are very grateful to the Bangerter Rhyner Foundation, Helmut Horten Stiftung, Novartis, the Swiss Heart Foundation and the SNF for supporting our research in the coming years!
12/17 - Tino has won the Award for the Best Master Thesis in Nanoscience (Swiss Nanoscience Institute, SNI, University of Basel) for his thesis work on surgical adhesives in our group at Empa. Congratulations!!!
11/17 - Kerda has won the Best Oral Presentation Award at the 2017 Empa PhD Symposium! Congrats!!!
09/17 - Semester and Master Thesis projects available! Get in touch!
08/17 - Tino's paper on surgical adhesives published in Nanoscale has been featured in the Nanoscale blog and national and international newspapers! Altmetric Top 5% of all research outputs!
07/17 - Paper on magnetic cell removal published in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces! In collaboration with AMI's Marco Lattuada, and the Bertazzo group at UCL!
06/17 - Paper on extracellular vesicles and infectious diseases in collaboration with the Fuhrmann lab at HIPS accepted in EJPB
05/17 - Watch the Magnetic Blood Purification Revisited! lecture given at last year's CLINAM!
03/17 - Kerda's Correlative cathodoluminescene electron microscopy (CCLEM) paper featured on the back cover of Nanoscale!
11/16 - Kerda Keevend has been awarded a Best Oral Presentation Award for her presentation on correlative bioimaging at the 2016 PhD symposium. Congratulations Kerda!
06/16 - Magnetic Blood Purification has been featured in the news (nanowerk, innovation report and Switzerland's most widely read newspaper, amongst others), Altmetric Top 5%!
04/16 - Theranostic blood purification manuscript is featured on the back cover of Journal of Materials Chemistry B (2016). Empa collaboration with AMI's M. Lattuada and Harvard's G. Pier.