Awards & Distinctions

02/25 Sebastian wins Best Poster Award at PhD Symposium!

02/25 Inge nominated for Medizinische Meisterleistung!

10/24 ETH Dandelion Award!

09/24 We win Science Breakthrough of the Year 2024 (Women's Health) at Falling Walls!

09/24 Alex Jessernig wins Falling Walls Switzerland with SensAL! Super congrats!!!

09/24 Robert wins Heinz Mittelmeier Award 2024 for Orthopedics with his Adv Healthcare Mater paper! Huge congrats!

09/24 Alex Jessernig wins Empa Innovation Award 2024 with Alex Anthis and Inge. Lucas MenstruAI awarded 2nd place! Super congrats!

09/24 Oscar wins Entrepreneur Fellowship to bring iSoldering into clinics! Big congrats!

08/24 Inge wins Global Women's Impact Award for pioneering equitable and inclusive technology innovation. We are grateful to the Volkaswagen Stiftung and the Elsevier Foundation.

07/24 Alex J., Alex A. and Inge's invention selected for ETH Spark Award Top5 2024! (Top 5 inventions from ETH)

06/24 Oscar wins Nature Award "Science in Shorts" with his Video. Congrats Oscar!

06/24 Oscar wins GOOGLE Healthcare and Life Sciences AI and Data Hackaton! Congrats Oscar!

05/24 Oscar's paper won the Zollikofer Award! Congrats Oscar, Lucas & team!

05/24 Lukas'  and Oscar's videos selected for Nature's Science in Shorts 2024 shortlist. Congrats to both of you!

05/24 Oscar's is a Hamlyn Robotics Challenge Finalist. Congrats Oscar!

03/24 IELTS Award for surgeon scientist Andrea Quiroga! Super congrats Andrea!

02/24 Oscar, Ben, AlexJ and Charlotte selected for TalentKick. Congrats!

01/2024 Veltist nominated for Viktor Award 2024! Congrats!

11/23 Latsis Prize to Inge for groundbreaking research performed at ETH!

11/23 Largiader Award to Inge for Innovation in Surgery

10/23 ETH Medal for Lukas Gerken! Big congrats!

10/23 ETH Japan Fellowship fro Heon-Gyu Kang! Welcome to ETH.

07/23 Lopez Loreta Award to Alex Anthis! Huge congrats! So happy for you.

06/23 Ben's first 1st author paper published in Advanced Science and featured on the news (Altmetric top 5%)

06/23 Lukas (ETH MaP doctoral award) and Oscar (Geistlich Rengeneration Award) win awards at this year's MaP graduate symposium @ETH.

05/23 Tino listed on the MIT 35 under 35 Europe list! Congrats Tino.

03/23 Charlotte wins 3rd prize at the Doc@MAVT event! Congrats Charlotte!

02/23 Congratulations to Tino on funding for phase II of his Bridge PoC project.

01/23 Congratulations to Subas on securing the first ever Empa Entrepreneur Fellowship!

01/23 Congratulations Oscar on the best rapid fire presentation award and Anna for the best poster at the SSB+RM!

01/23 Advanced Functional Materials article by Alex featured as most downloaded article!

11/22 PhD Symposium Hattrick! Best presentation (Subas), best poster (Oscar) and best science image (Anna)!

11/22 Lukas wins Young Talent Award at the Zukunftssymposium Hepatologie 2030 in Essen, Germany!

11/22 Tino wins Hilti Award for the best PhD! The award was presented to him at the ETH Tag!

09/22 Ben wins an ETH Doc.Mobility Fellowship and will go to Harvard University! Congrats Ben!

09/22 Inge awarded with the Smoluchowski Award 2022 recognizing outstanding research contributions to aerosol sciences!

09/22 Congratulations Alex Anthis on the DPCI PhD Student Award 2022 (Polymers, Colloids and Interfaces) by the Swiss Chemical Society

09/22 Alex wins the audience award and the 2nd prize at the 3pi pitching contest

09/22 Lukas wins the prestigious Empa Young Scientist Fellowship (sucess rate of 10%) by the Dietschweiler Foundation! Congrats!

09/22 Alex wins the ETH Zurich MaP Award 2022 for the best doctoral thesis in the area of materials and processes at ETH! Second MaP award for the group after Tino's win in 2021

08/22 Lukas winns Science Communications Creativity Award for composing a song about his research!

07/22 Congratulations to our postdoc Robert Nissler on his ETH Career Seed Award!

05/22 Exciting news - Alex Anthis has been included into the Forbes 30 under 30 list with his startup veltist! Congrats Alex!

01/22 We were selected for the ACS Materials Au Rising Star Distinction

12/21 Congrats Tino on the Bridge Grant from SNF/Innosuisse and the Coup de Pouce Award!

11/21 Huge congratulations to Lukas Gerken on winning the Young Investigator Award at the iNanoTherad in Paris!

11/21 Congrats to Tino on winning the ETH Medal!

11/21 Our future postdoc Dr Robert Nissler passed his viva with flying colors and was awarded highest distinction (summa cum laude). Congrats Robert!

11/21 Congrats Alex Anthis and Subas Scheibler on winning the 2nd Sintetica Innovation Award with AnastoSeal!

11/21 Massive congratulations to Alex Anthis on winning Empa's Research Award 2021 and the Erni Medal with his Adv Funct Mater paper! 

10/21 Inge wins the ETH Dandelion Special Award for championing interdisciplinary collaboration and entrepreneurship!

07/21 Congrats to NSEL postdoc Fabian on winning a ETH Career Seed Grant and a SNF Int. Visit Fellowship for Hamburg.

06/21 Congrats Alex on winning an ETH Pioneer Fellowship!

06/21 Congrats anavo on winning the Swiss Nanotech Startup of the Year Award at the Swiss NanoConvention 2021!

06/21 Anavo was selected as the winner of this year's startup days Healtech startup!

06/21 Congrats to Tino Matter on winning the ETH MaP Award 2021 for his doctoral research! 

06/21 Congrats to NSEL postdoc Alice on her new job!

05/21 Congrats Alex on a very successful doctoral defense and on winning the Chemistry Travel Award 2021 awarded by the Swiss Chemical Society just the day after the defense.

04/21 Our work has been included in Royal Society of Chemistry Emerging Investigator Collection of Nanoscale!

03/21 Alex' paper featured on the front cover of external pageAdvanced Functional Materialscall_made

12/20 Dr Kerda Keevend has been awarded the "1st special prize of the President of the Estonian Academy of Sciences" for "the most elegant research work". Congrats Kerda!

12/20 - We won the Empa Innovation Award 2020 for our Nanoglue technology. Congrats Tino!

11/20 - Anavo (Nanoglue) and Hemotune won the 3rd and the 1st place at the Swiss Technology Award! 

10/20 - Kerda's work featured on the cover of Small!

08/20 - Alex Anthis wins Healthcare of the Future Award (Medtronic Challenge)  

06/20 - Pioneer Fellowship for Tino Matter

01/20 - Congratulations Anna on the best presentation award (2nd prize) at the Young Scientist Symposium SBB+RM at ETH!

12/19 - Congrats Tino on the best presentation award (2nd prize) at the Empa PhD Symposium 2019!

11/19 - Tino wins Amercian Institute of Chemical Engineering Annual Meeting (AIChE 2019) Graduate Student Award (2nd prize, Inorganic Materials)! Congrats Tino!

11/19 - Alex' paper featured on the front cover of Analyst!

10/19 - Nanoglue successfully completed VentrureKick stage II!

07/19 - Nanoglue is part of VentureKick!

03/19 - Tino's startup Nanoglue made it into the top6 at the European Startup Summit! Congrats Tino!

11/18 - Swiss National Science Foundation Eccellenza Award 2018!

11/18 - Kerda was the chairwoman of this year's PhD symposium with more participants than ever before! Well done Kerda!

10/18 - Tino's research & master thesis award featured by SNI!

03/18 - Tino's research on surgical glues featured on international TV program (ZDF). Aired April 9!

12/17 - Tino has won the Award for the Best Master Thesis in Nanoscience (Swiss Nanoscience Institute, SNI, University of Basel) for his thesis work on surgical adhesives in our group at Empa. Congratulations!!!

11/17 - Kerda has won the Best Oral Presentation Award at the 2017 Empa PhD Symposium! Congrats!!!

03/17 - Kerda's Correlative cathodoluminescene electron microscopy (CCLEM) paper featured on the back cover of Nanoscale!

11/16 - Kerda Keevend has been awarded a Best Oral Presentation Award for her presentation on correlative bioimaging at the 2016 PhD symposium. Congratulations Kerda!

06/16 - Magnetic Blood Purification has been featured in the news (nanowerk, innovation report and Switzerland's most widely read newspaper, amongst others), Altmetric Top 5%!